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February 24

Adopted Neighbourhood Plan


November 23

With reference to the ongoing Old Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan, I can confirm that this was signed off by the Chief Executive this morning (scanned/ signed Decision Statement attached), on behalf of Cllr Moriarty (Portfolio Holder).  This paves the way for the Neighbourhood Plan to proceed to referendum on 8th February.


Given our previous discussions and email exchanges, I am satisfied that you and the Parish Council are happy for the Neighbourhood Plan to proceed to referendum on the basis of the changes set out in Appendix 2 of the Decision Statement (see full Statement, with appendices; attached).


Over the coming days we will issue further documentation regarding the forthcoming referendum.  At this juncture, I wish to congratulate Old Hunstanton Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Planning Group for all your hard work in bringing the Old Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan forward.


Meanwhile, please do not hesitate to get back to me if you have any further queries.  I will keep you informed as the Plan progresses towards referendum.


Regards and best wishes


Michael Burton, Principal Planner


Decision Statement November 2023


September 23

To allow deviation from the Examiner’s Report (ERMs), under Regulations 18 the Borough Council is required to undertake a 6-weeks consultation, to allow the Old Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan to depart from the ERMs.  Full details of the consultation are available through the Old Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan web page.


The consultation will run for six weeks, from Wednesday, 6 September until Wednesday, 18 October 2023 (inclusive).  Representations should be made, in writing, as follows, by:

Planning Policy

King’s Court

Chapel Street

King’s Lynn

PE30 1EX

Basic Conditions Statement August 2022

Consultation Statement 

Final Report 2022

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