Welcome to the Old Hunstanton Parish Council Website
This has been designed to increase access to information and communication with residents and visitors to this beautiful North Norfolk coastal village.
If you wish to contribute information or photographs, know of any events, or have any other website enquiries please contact
Caroline Boyden, the Parish Clerk via parishclerk@oldhunstantonparishcouncil.gov.uk

The Parish Council is responsible for the general upkeep of the parish and the play area. We respond to planning applications although these are the responsibility of the Borough Council.
The next Parish Council Meeting will take place on the 20th February 2025 from 6.00pm at the Village Hall - all welcome.
Norfolk County Council is responsible for highways. Please report issues such as pot holes, overgrown areas etc., directly to them as they will give you a reference number and updates on progress.
ENFORCEMENT Parking Issues via:
and parking obstructions via
Household bins - Bins in Hunstanton and the villages throughout west Norfolk are emptied by Serco. You can contact them on 03301099220.
Traffic Regulation Order
September2024: Traffic Regulation Order for proposed seasonal parking restrictions:
NOTE: Parish.uk is nothing to do with Old Hunstanton Parish Council and we do not support it.

Neighbourhood Development Plan
All documents can also be viewed on the BCKLWN website: Old Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan | Old Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan | Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk (west-norfolk.gov.uk)
Flood Warnings and Tide Times:
Details about how to be prepared for flooding & other emergencies
can be found at norfolkprepared.gov.uk